Issue 23 09/2002

FolkWorld Features
Interviews, Articles, Live Reviews, Columns

English content:

1974-1982: The Golden Years of the Dutch Folk Music. Folk in the big Dutch cities
Traditional music from the Netherlands Part II. When people talk about Dutch folk or folk-rock music they usually refer to music which dates from the seventies or early eighties. During this period the Netherlands had their biggest revival of folk music. Eelco Schilder visited Jos Koning who was part of this revival, as a musician (in Twee Violen en een bas etc.) as well as a researcher.
Netherlands - The Dutch Folk Revival; Dutch Folk Band

Andy Irvine; from He never tires of the road: Andy Irvine at 60
Susanne Kalweit undertook to interview Andy Irvine at the Tanz- und Folkfest Rudolstadt in 2001. He claimed not to be in the mood for interviewing as he was scheduled that afternoon for a talk imaginatively titled "Andy Irvine: From a folksinger's life". Reluctantly, she switched off my tape recorder. It was then he started to talk, and to this day Susanne could kick myself for not switching it back on again! This article reveals a lot of Andy Irvine's early career steps.
England/Ireland - legendary singer/songwriter

The High King of Ireland: Maurice Lennon's musical portrait of Brian Bóru
The legendary High King Brian Bóru (941-1014) is without doubt the best known medieval figure in Irish history. Now Maurice Lennon applies for the High Kingship of Irish music. Aim high, try hard! Thinks Tom Keller.
Ireland - an Irish folk recording with traditional theme

Niamh Parsons, photo by The MollisAn Italian's "Heart's Desire" - Niamh Parson's new album
Luigi Fazzo guides us through the tracks of Niamh Parson's new album, "Heart's Desire", in his opinion one of the best Irish albums since a long time.
Ireland - CD of acclaimed Irish singer

T:-)M's Night Shift: O Tom, Where Art Thou?
In his regular entertaining book review column, FolkWorld's Walkin' T:-)M found out more about the mysteries of American Bluegrass and Country Music. Books reviewed are: Rosenberg Bluegrass Odyssey - A Documentary, 1966-86, by Carl & Neil V. Fleischhauer; Bound for Shady Grove, Steven Harvey and Don't Get above Your Raisin' - Country Music and the Southern Working Class, by Bill C. Malone.
Book review column, this time focused on Bluegrass and Coutry books

Muzsikás - Folk Virtuosos in Bartòk's Footsteps
For Bela Bartok, folk music was every bit as much an end unto itself as a means in composition. In this article, Marta Sebestyen and Muzsikas demonstrate why. Lou Wigdor found out more about it when he participated last February "The Folk Roots of the Music of Béla Bartók", a lecture-demonstration by Muzsikás at the New England Conservatory, in Boston.
Hungary - Background to Muzsikás' Bartòk music

Minding the pipes with Leonard Barry
Sean Laffey interviews the brilliant Killkenny based piper at a festival in Clonmel.
Ireland - excellent uilleann piper

Třnder 2002: Old and new Celtic and Danish music
Eugene Graham's personal minutes from five days of the prestigious Danish festival. She reports about many newer faces from the Celtic music scene, as well as impressive Danish acts, as the Danish input in Tønder has never been greater than this year.
Denmark - report from the prestigous festival of folk music from all Celtic countries and Denmark

suffolk & beyond IV: In search of the curiosities of life
Colum Sands in Wivenhoe, Flook in Colchester, Aly & Phil in Snape. This article reveals the mysteries of a car park where Colum Sands parked in Wivenhoe, misses a new folk club generation, and revisits concerts of the brilliant acts Flook and Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham.
England/Ireland/Scotland - regular column of events in the East of England

Music under Tudor chimneys - Folk at Fram 2002
The impressive ground of the 12th century Framlingham castle, with its famous Tudor chimneys, is the location of Suffolk's folk highlight of the year: Folk at Fram, an evening of high quality folk music. Three of the best acts from the British Isles were playing this year: Niamh Parsons & Graham Dunne, North Cregg (replacing the spontaneously disbanded Tarras) and the Old Blind Dogs.
England/Irland/Scotland - reputed one-evening festival in a castle

Dranouter Folkfestival 2002 – the New tradition
Eugene Graham reports from the first main day of the 2002 edition of Belgium's biggest folk festival, and finds that Dranouter is the most mixed of festivals.
Belgium - major folk & rock festival

Ireland's First Dulcimer Festival in Cork
Players of the rarely-seen instrument were brought together for the first time in Ireland this summer. In the United States, it seems, dulcimer fesivals are relatively common. It comes as some surprise, then, to find that here in Ireland there has never been a festival of the dulcimer. Nevertheless, those who play it are devoted to it, and many who attended the festival in Cork from 26th to 28th July 2002 were overwhelmed by the number of instruments on show. Report by Adrian Scanlan.
Ireland - First Dulcimer Festival

Gráda in Gutenbrunn
Eugene Graham, promoter of the excellent Irish band Gráda, joined the musicians on their trip to the festival in Gutenbrunn in Austria.
Austria/Irland - Irish band at Austrian festival


German content: (Use the 'BACK' button of your browser to return to here!)

The Dubliners, photo by Tom KellerAnd It's No! Nay! Never! No Nay Never No More! - 40 Jahre Dubliners
Anfang der 60er Jahre: Das amerikanische Folkrevival schwappt über den Atlantik und löst in Irland den "ballad boom" aus. Die Dubliners sind die erste Gruppe, die Irish Folk auf dem Kontinent bekannt und populär machen. 40 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung geben die wackeren Mannen nun ihre Abschiedsvorstellung. Vorhang auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Irland - Bekannteste irische Balladengruppe hört auf

T:-)M's Nachtwache: Folk von NRW bis WWW - Walkin' T:-)M liest und surft mit
In seinen FolkWorld-Lesestunden ist Tom Keller mal wieder auf interessante Zitate getroffen (.z.B. "Das Image eines Folkies hat sich seit den sechziger und siebziger Jahren nicht gewandelt: immer noch der Schlabberlook, die Jesuslatschen, ein irgendwie als ,alternativ' empfundenes Verhalten"). Eine spannende Mischung an Büchern über regionale Musikszenen, Flötenspielen, Internet für Musiker, eine multikulturelle Europareise und das Festival Musik und Politik 2002.
Buchrezensionen - deutsche Szene, Musik im Internet, Flötenspielen etc. RUTH's Preise

RUTH auf der Suche nach deutschen Wurzeln
Eine kritische Hinterfragung des neuen deutschen Folkpreises. Der deutsche Folkpreis ist in diesem Jahr vollständig erneuert worden, und die Re-Inkarnation ist weiblich, und ist auf den originellen Namen "RUTH" getauft worden. Michael Moll hat sich entschlossen, mit seiner Kritik des BBC Folk Awards (siehe Ausgabe 21) an den Pressesprecher der RUTH heranzutreten, um herauszufinden, ob RUTH mehr Konzept hat als der BBC Awards. Mit Besprechung der RUTH 2002 CD.
Deutschland - eine neue Form des deutschen Folkförderpreises

Ein Ägypter und viele Musiker in Rudolstadt
Zwei Artikel mit Eindrücken vom Tanz-und Folkfest Rudolstadt. Karsten Rube war dieses Jahr begleitet von seinem ägyptischen Freund, der die mitteleuropäische Kultur entdecken will. Eine amüsante Beschreibung eines gelungen Festivals.
Rudolstadt 2002 zum zweiten: Glück auf, Knie nieder und Heidevitzka
Tom Keller hat ebenfalls Tagebuch geführt beim diesjährigen TFF; jede Menge Bands, Musiker und Impressionen.
TFF Rudolstadt - Deutschlands größtes Folk- und Weltmusikfestival

Folk aus Irland - Sommer 2002
Die FolkWorld Kolumne für Liebhaber irischer Musik. Axel Schuldes hat sich mal wieder jede Menge irische CDs angehört, und gibt dem FolkWorld Leser Tipps für neue Scheiben.
Irland - neue CDs

Tønder Festival 2002 - Gammel Dansk und junge Kelten
Tonder Session; photo by Tom KellerFolkWorld hatte dieses Mal drei Repräsentanten in Tønder, die alle einen unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkt bei ihren Berichten haben. Tom Keller schreibt über viele viele keltische Bands, Musik bis zum umfallen, und natürlich auch gesammelte Festivalimpressionen

Singer/Songwriter-Legenden und neuere Gesichter - Persönliche Highlights des Třnder Festival 2002
Gerald Trebaticky schreibt über hervorragende Konzert mit Singer/Songwritern: Rory McLeod & Aimee Leonard; Ramblin Jack Elliot; Donovan und Chuck Brodsky.
Tønder Festival - eines der wichtigsten Festivals für keltische Musik in Europa


To the content of FolkWorld No. 23

© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 09/2002

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